Hey guys! Just a bit of random stuff. So me and pokemontv were sitting in English class and we were told to write a story. We came up with something so random that random can't describe it.

There was a spy for hire called Steven Trial (I made the name up btw) and he was asked by the American government to see if he could find a valuable diamond. But the Teleban (not sure if I spelled that right) wanted it before him. Steven then finds the diamond but the Teleban (still not sure) run after him. He runs to the beach and makes himself a raft. Then sails out to see. But then the Somali Pirates find him and capture him. That night he tries to escape but is caught and then shot to death. The End! Try sleeping tonight and then remember this. It will haunt you for eternity! See ya!
9/16/2010 04:42:47 am

Well you did not spell it right (god would it have killed you to look it up)
it's Taliban or alternatively Taleban
unless of course your going on about tele's

9/16/2010 05:20:16 am

yes it would have killed me coz i have a life threatening disease that will kill me if i look up information. i hope you understand my problem now


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